School of Health and
Rehabilitation Sciences
An integral part of sustainable health care
The School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (SHRS) understands an integral part of sustainable health care is providing patients with affordable, accessible, effective treatment. SHRS is a leader in health care education, research, and clinical practice preparation in 13 different disciplines related to rehabilitative care. SHRS is committed to healing patients alongside the planet by understanding what a resilient health care system looks like and providing preventative health care.
Healthy Home Lab
The health home lab brings together teams within the department of Occupational Therapy, Rehabilitation Science, and Civil and Environmental Engineering to develop and assess technologies and interventions that will support people living safely and more independently as they age. An example is the development of module to assess for environmental hazards such as indoor air quality and detection of mold. Bringing quality life and health care to the individual in their hope is not only good for the individual it is good for environment!
Addressing JEDI in Occupational Therapy
It is known that climate change and environmental disparities have a greater impact on marginalized communities. Programs like the Pitt OT Occupational Justice Discussion program strive to create and foster a more inclusive approach health care. Faculty, studentsstudents, and staff engage in discussion, reflection, and act on issues related to JEDI and associated health disparities.
Green Office Achievements within SHRS
The REHSCI department has achieved Sapling level Green Office designation.